St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident

Opening Times and Absences


Breakfast Club


Morning Session

KS1   8.55am - 11.45am  (with 15 minutes break)

KS2   8.55am - 12noon     (with 15 minutes break)

Afternoon Session

KS1  12.55pm - 3.10pm  (with 15 minutes break)

KS2  12.55pm - 3.10pm


For all children the school day starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3.10pm.

Children should arrive in the morning no sooner than 8.45am, unless attending Breakfast Club which opens at 7.30am, as we cannot accept liability for them before this time.

Please ensure that children arrive on time to get the day off to a good start and establish good habits. Late arrivals result in a late mark.

For Reception children it is expected that a parent/carer will accompany their child to and from school. It is also advisable for parents to accompany children from Year 1 and Year 2 classes.

The infant and junior children have differing lengths of playtimes and lunchtimes to comply with DFE regulations.


If you know that your child is not going to be able to attend school (illness, medical appointment, family emergency) please inform us by phone, letter or verbally before 9.15am wherever possible. The absence can then be authorised.

All unauthorised absences, for an unacceptable reason e.g. birthday outing, shopping, extended holiday and those not supported by a letter, phone call or verbally, must by law be reported to the LA and will appear on the child's report.

If poor attendance, consistent lateness or unknown reasons for absence become a concern the attendance adviser and children's integrated services may be contacted.

The law states that families do not have an entitlement to take holidays during term-time. An application form is available from school and permission must be sought before any holiday in school time is taken. If permission is not granted and the child is absent then the school will pass this on to the attendance officers and fines may be imposed.


The current rate of fines is £120 per parent per child.