Class teacher: Miss C Kitchin
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wellington and Mrs Blears
Welcome to year 4! I hope you all had a great summer and are ready to start the new school year.
We have many exciting topics to learn throughout this year.
Here is some useful information to help keep you organised this half term:
PE -this is currently on a Monday and swimming on Tuesday.
On Monday, children are to wear black or grey jogging bottoms, black trainers, a polo shirt and school jumper/cardigan.
Forest School - Occasionally on Monday, we will be using our Forest school; however, a Wedduc will be sent out to inform you which Monday it will be. The children will need to wear their PE kit to school and bring a pair of wellington boots in a plastic bag.
On Tuesday, please can your child bring in a bag: one-piece swimming costume/shorts above the knee, a towel and a swim hat.
We want our children to be happy at school and ready for learning.
Please help them with the following:
READING-all children have a take-home reader to practice and improve their reading fluency.
Please encourage your child to spend 5-10 minutes, a few times a week, reading their home reading book. Please record any reading that has taken place at home in their reading record. You can help by questioning them about what they have read, including talking about the characters, making predictions about what might happen next and asking the children to recall specific information. Once a child has finished their book, it can be placed in our reading basket in the classroom to be changed.
HOMEWORK and Spellings
Please scroll down to find the Homework Grid
- Spellings
- Each week we have a different spelling focus, which is fully accessible on Spelling Shed.
- Maths
- Please practise Timetables using Timetable Rockstars
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!
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