St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident

Reporting to Parents and Parents' Evenings


Schools are expected to report to parents about their children's progress at least three times per year.  At St Bartholomew's, we feel it is vital to maintain good communication with parents and so do more than this:

At the end of each term, each child receives a report on their current attainment in the three core subjects of Reading, Writing and Mathematics.  We also include comments from the teacher on their general attitude to work and school life.  The report at the end of the Summer term includes more information and subjects as it is their End-of-Year Report.

We value the input of all our parents and carers, and as such, aim to involve you all as much as possible.  We therefore hold formal Parents Evening throughout the year.  We hold on in the Autumn Term and one in the Spring term with a drop-in session towards the end of summer following their End-of-Year school reports.

We are always keen as a school to support every child and encourage parents and carers to contact school whenever they have questions or concerns.  We would much rather resolve an issue that may affect a child's development than leave it until a formal meeting - so please contact us and come and talk to us.
The headteacher, Mr Crabtree, is always available to talk to parents and can usually be found on the playground from around 8.45am or after school.  You can also come into the school office and speak to him or make an appointment at a more convenient time.