St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident


Pupil Premium Statement for 2023-2024

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2023-2024:

Pupil premium strategy statement – St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School, Whitworth

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.

School overview



Number of pupils in school


Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils


Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3 year plans are recommended)


Date this statement was published

December 2023

Date on which it will be reviewed

Sept 2024

Statement authorised by

Nick Crabtree

Pupil premium lead

Emma Anchor

Governor / Trustee lead

Mrs Anchor

Funding overview



Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year


Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year


Pupil premium (and recovery premium*) funding carried forward from previous years


Total budget for this academic year (2022-2023)


Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan

Statement of intent


Our vision for all our pupils is:

 Our goal is to produce members of society who are Considerate to everyone they meet, who have a Co-operative approach to life and who are Confident in each other and in themselves to strive for the very best that they can be.

We aim to achieve this by using Christian values as our guide and helping them to grow within a caring and inclusive community.


Our Strategy for Pupil Premium Children:


Our vision that all pupils should succeed very much includes our children eligible for Pupil Premium as, for reasons beyond their control, they are considered to be disadvantaged in some way. We want all our children to have the best chance in life and so we strive to correct the balance (where there is any form of disadvantage).


One of our main strategies to do this is to prioritise the amount of time for the direct teaching of these pupils, providing smaller class sizes so that the teacher has more ability to spend more time to focus on these pupils and support them with a more individualised approach.


We have found that children in single year groups who attend well are more likely to achieve their best, especially if they have developed good levels of confidence and resilience in order to overcome difficulties and have a broad and exiting curriculum.


By maintaining single year groups and smaller class sizes, we are able to allow our most vital assets, our teachers, to be at their most effective with these pupils.


Targeted support is provided by both teacher and classroom support and, because the classes are smaller, these can happen more often and with smaller groups to ensure misconceptions and gaps are tackled effectively. In addition to this, we will employ individual and small-group tutoring in order to narrow gaps that PP children may have developed caused by the COVID pandemic using the recovery premium funding.


Good attendance is an important factor in ensuring children receive the best education and do not struggle to maintain progress or create gaps in their learning.  We find that PP children in particular need support in order to ensure they attend well and we will endeavour to ensure they attend regularly and chase-up any absences, supporting both the pupil and the family to ensure they are able to receive the maximum benefit from the education that we as a school provide.


We are determined to improve the confidence and resilience of our Pupil Premium children as we see this as a major ingredient that supports their overall development and is therefore crucial to supporting them academically as well as emotionally. We are able to offer support with their wellbeing through our dedicated Nurture Support and through our newly introduced Forest School work.



This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge number

Detail of challenge


Reading skills and comprehension are lower for pupils eligible for PP compared to other pupils.


Writing and pre-writing skills are a major issue for disadvantaged pupils and this limits their progress in later years.  They get limited support from home and rely on school to encourage and develop their skills.


Number understanding and Maths skills are lower with pp pupils


Attendance is lower for pupils eligible for PP compared to other pupils and parent’s attitudes towards education and attendance lower..


Children falling behind due to COVID related issues and gaps in their learning as a result of this.


We have a number of mental health issues, particularly with PP pupils and we need to provide extra nurture and supporting experiences for these children.


Cultural capital is lower and PP children have less resilience, confidence and coping strategies compared to non-PP children.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcome

Success criteria

Improved skills and understanding in Reading and comprehension through small class teaching and targeted interventions

Internal checking and national assessments for attainment and progress improved in reading fluency and comprehension

Writing outcomes improved through small class teaching and targeted interventions

Percentage of PP children achieving age related expectations increases

Number understanding and Maths skills are improved through small class teaching and targeted interventions

Increase in children achieving national expectations by end of KS2

Attendance is improved for pupils eligible for PP by rigorous monitoring and reactive interventions with family so they have full access to school

PP children have improved attendance and move towards similar levels to non PP pupils.

Effects of COVID related issues are minimised through monitoring and tutoring work

Effects of COVID related issues minimised and pupils targeted return to previously expected targets

We have a number of mental health issues, particularly with PP pupils and we need to provide extra nurture and support for these children and their families.

Pupils identified and supported internally and, where necessary with the help of external agencies

Cultural capital is improved and PP children have improved confidence, resilience and coping strategies to build-on and use when faced with difficulties.

Children have a broad, balanced and exiting curriculum.

Broad and varied curriculum provides PP children with stimulated and memorable life-experiences that equip them for their future.

Visitors and experiences such as Forest School provide holistic learning and development that prepares them for life – giving them confidence and resilience!


Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £60,234


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Maintaining Single Classes for each year group in order to focus on individual pupil needs

EEF Guidance States:

Evidence indicates that high quality teaching is the most important lever schools have to improve pupil attainment, including for disadvantaged pupils.

EEF Guide Healthy Minds


High Quality CPD for all teaching staff:

Professional Development and pedagogical understanding improvement work to be disseminated to staff


Subject Leaders to join and follow curriculum professional bodies in order to enhance their understanding of their subject and pupil development within it.

EEF Guidance States:

Schools should focus on building teacher knowledge and pedagogical expertise, curriculum development, and the purposeful use of assessment. In some cases, this may include the selection of high-quality curriculum materials, or investment in the use of standardised assessments.


Ofsted Curriculum Research Reviews

Our school experience shows us that teachers with a fuller professional knowledge are more confident and able to lead their subject better.  They are able to scrutinise work and practice within school better and provide a more rigorous monitoring system for their subject


Forest School training in order to provide a full experience for pupils and an ability to target particular learners with confidence and resilience issues


Time devoted to Forest School delivery by a trained practitioner

Research by Sarah Blackwell of Forest Schools Education shows that long term experience at Forest Schools with a trained practitioner demonstrates increases in pupil resilience, confidence and wellbeing which are key deficiencies in our PP children research shows that using a fully trained Forest School teacher, children appeared more relaxed; keen to learn and were assertive (but not aggressive). Forest School led by a fully trained teacher also showed improvements in social and emotional regulation; communication; visible improvements in motor skills and stamina; improvements in behaviour and improved self-esteem.


Reading Improvement Training for Senior Leaders in order to ensure good practice and rigorous monitoring takes place


Professional development and continual improvement for ALL staff in the RWInc systematic approach to phonics and early reading


Continued development of staff for interventions using the Fresh Start Reading system for older children struggling with their reading


Release time for Early Reading lead to assess, mentor and coach staff in their delivery for RWInc Reading system

The Government strongly recommend the use of synthetic phonics when teaching early literacy skills to children.

Read Write Inc.provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.


EEF Guidance on continuous CPD States:

Supporting continuous and sustained professional development (PD) on evidence-based classroom approaches is important to develop the practice of teachers in your setting. The content of PD should be based on the best available evidence. Effective PD is likely to require a balanced approach that includes building knowledge, motivating teachers, developing teacher techniques, and embedding practice.

A common form of support for teacher professional development is mentoring and/or coaching, particularly for early career teachers. Schools should carefully consider the mechanisms, for example, whether they are going to be adopting a mentoring or coaching approach.


Successful Early Reading and phonics development work better with regular assessment and fluidity of groupings in order to ensure each child is learning at their maximum rate and is able to be supported at that level


Writing Improvement continued development and understanding by Senior Leaders in order to ensure better practice and improved development is achieved






Staff training and discussion around appropriate and successful strategies to improve writing with time for assessment and continued development of the skills of teaching children the use of storytelling and developing this into improved writing skills

Multiple strategies used to include Talk-4-Writing strategy to be used in order to improve writing outcomes. T4W is generally positive in improving the development of writing.  It also improves speech and confidence in communication. James Britton in his research article comments: Neither scientific research nor the case studies of the best performing writing teachers recommend the slavish and repetitive learning of a text. It’s not in children’s best interests to spend their time engaged in long-winded ‘barking out of a text’. Instead, we must put talk and language development where it belongs – at the heart of the writing process.


EEF Guidance on continuous CPD States:

Supporting continuous and sustained professional development (PD) on evidence-based classroom approaches is important to develop the practice of teachers in your setting. The content of PD should be based on the best available evidence. Effective PD is likely to require a balanced approach that includes building knowledge, motivating teachers, developing teacher techniques, and embedding practice. Supporting resources:


Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support, structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £20,011


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

National Tutoring Programme

Ensuring internal staff are able to work with targeted children on a one-to-one basis and in small groups to fill gaps caused by the pandemic and related disruptions

EEF Guidance States:

Intensive individual support, either one to one or as a small group, can support pupil learning. This is most likely to be impactful if provided in addition to and explicitly linked with normal lessons. Schools should think carefully about implementation of tuition, including assessment of learning gaps, careful selection of curriculum content, ensuring those delivering tuition are well-prepared, and monitoring impact.

Pupils may require targeted academic support to assist language development, literacy, or numeracy. Interventions should be carefully linked to classroom teaching and matched to specific needs, whilst not inhibiting pupils’ access to the curriculum.


TA time supporting PP in each class on a one-to-one basis or in small groups






Targeted support for PP pupils with SEND with specific work on their particular needs

EEF Guidance States:

Strategic deployment of TAs is important to ensure priority pupils are supported. This will include ensuring TAs are fully prepared for their role and supplementing rather than replacing high-quality provision from the class teacher, including providing targeted interventions


Disadvantaged pupils with SEND have the greatest need for excellent teaching. Specific approaches to support these pupils may include explicit instruction, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, scaffolding, flexible grouping, and the targeted use of technology


Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £38,363


Evidence that supports this approach

Challenge number(s) addressed

Wider Curriculum Opportunities

Visits and visitors to school

After school clubs including directed work with particular pupils


‘Crafternoon’ parental involvement and engagement sessions for each class at least once per term



Improved reading materials in library and weekly purchase of ‘First News’ children’s newspaper to give a broader view and wider range of reading materials


EEF Guidance States:

Extracurricular activities are an important part of education in its own right. These approaches may increase engagement in learning, but it is important to consider how increased engagement will be translated into improved teaching and learning.


We know from our own experience that involving parents in their children’s learning – for example in our ‘Crafternoons’, the children are more motivated and the parents keen to support.  We also find that it breaks down barriers to learning and some adult’s fear of school caused by their own educational experiences


Ofsted emphasis on improved vocabulary and Cultural Capital


Attendance monitoring and support for families

Daily monitoring of pupils and support for families including follow-up work and time to work with county attendance team and suitable agencies to support the families


Use of Breakfast Club to support better attendance and ensure targeted pupils are fed before school

EEF Guidance on Attendance States:

There are a range of approaches which aim to improve school attendance. Some parental communication approaches and targeted parental engagement interventions show promise in supporting pupil attendance. Supporting resources:





EEF Guidance on Breakfast Clubs States:

There is some evidence that providing free, universal, before-school breakfast clubs can benefit pupils, by preparing children for learning or supporting behaviour and school attendance


Nurture Support to resolve issues pupils may have either in school or at home

DSL Training for Nurture and SEND staff


Wellbeing support to work with children’s mental health caused by home issues, etc

EEF Guidance States:

Social and emotional skills support effective learning and are linked to positive outcomes later in life. Schools may consider whole-class approaches as well as targeted interventions, monitoring the impact of these choices carefully.



EEF Guide – Healthy Minds

DFE: Promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools and colleges


Forest School time for each class at least once per term with an emphasis on children with confidence and resilience issues.

Forest school trained staff use in order to provide ‘holistic development’ of learners

Resources and site development work in order to ensure full Forest School experience is provided

Research by Sarah Blackwell of Forest Schools Education shows that long term experience at Forest Schools with a trained practitioner demonstrates increases in pupil resilience, confidence and wellbeing which are key deficiencies in our PP children


EEF Guidance covering Forest School in terms of extra-curricular activities:

Extracurricular activities are an important part of education in its own right. These approaches may increase engagement in learning, but it is important to consider how increased engagement will be translated into improved teaching and learning.


Total budgeted cost: £118,808

Part B: Review of the previous academic year

Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils

Our strategy of prioritising quality first teaching continues to be successful at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary and we are proud that our PP children perform well.

Our SATs attainment scores for summer 2023 show that although our children enter school well-below national levels, they leave primary school generally at age expected levels and above. 

It should be noted that our progress data for KS2 SATs of summer 2023 was severly affected by one pupil.  This pupil was PP and SEND.  When he was with us in Yr2, he was given a teacher assessment for his KS1 SATs of ‘Pre-Key Stage’.  He then left our school and we had no further input into his development until he returned 6 months before his KS2 SATS.  We judged him to have made virtually no progress whilst not at St Bartholomew’s and that he was not capable of sitting his KS2 SATs.  Unfortunately, this meant that his progress measures converted to -23.5 for Reading, -19.7 for Writing and -22.4 for Maths!  This has severely skewed all the progress measure results.

However, taking this child out of the data, our progress measure is slightly lower than usual but not remarkably so at -1.2 for Reading, -1.1 for Writing and -0.9 for Maths.

Our attainment scores for SATs are 72.7% for Reading, 68.2% for Writing and 81.8% for Maths.

59% of pupils in last year’s Yr6 cohort were Pupil Premium children with varying levels of developmental and pshycological needs.  The PP scores were 69.2 for Reading, 46.2% for Writing and 69.2% for Maths.


It can be seen that Writing was well below our usual level for Pupil Premium children and we can show through internal data that this is a direct result of the COVID pandemic.  We pride ourselves on taking disadvantaged children in particular, who have no input initially from home and no continuing support outside of school, and through continued teacher input coupled with supportive and focused intervention work, we raise their abilities up to at least or beyond National levels.  We were unable to do this due to the lock-downs caused by the pandemic and we have tried our best through the recovery funding and tutoring program to resolve this but the fact of the matter is that this cohort, with a high percentage of disadvantaged children, have been severely affected by lack of face-to-face teaching.  This has affected all their results but particularly their Writing.


Looking at previous results, our KS2 results for summer 2022, although not nationally published, were outstanding and show the exemplary efforts made by our school.  This continues and, though not quite as good this year, we are proud of the difference our school makes to all pupils - including disadvantaged children.

These summer 2022 progress scores demonstrate that, although these disadvantaged children entered school at a much lower level than the national expectations, by staying within the St Bartholomew’s system, they develop at an accelerated rate and make impressive progress.  Even PP pupils with SEND who did not achieve the expected standard have still made accelerated and impressive progress.  All our PP children in this cohort had been at our school throughout this progress measure period.

And this is sustained success.  The EEF dashboard for 2019 results (shown below), which is pre-COVID, demonstrates that this is a long-term characteristic of our policy for PP children and, although there has been disruption due to COVID, both pre-pandemic and post-pandemic results show a continued impressive and accelerated progress for our disadvantaged pupils.

EEF Dashboard for 2019:  SEE IMAGE BELOW

The EEF dashboard  shows how strongly our disadvantaged pupils performed in 2019

Evidence from July 2022’s SATs results shows that this performance has continued.

EEF Family of Schools 2019: SEE IMAGE BELOW

In 2019, we were above average in our EEF family of schools and, as the chart below shows, we were fifth from top in performance.

Our attendance has improved as a result of the work we have done with pupils and families and although it is difficult to assess due to the national and local picture being much lower than we usually would expect, we have consistently maintained a higher-than-average attendance figure.  Our persistent absenteeism has reduced significantly.  Our latest IDSR shows that the rate of persistent absence (8.6%) in summer 2021 was in the lowest 20% of schools with a similar level of deprivation. This is a great improvement from previous levels in excess of 12%.

This is also true of our PPchildren and our data shows that although they are still below the level of non-disadvantaged children, the gap is narrowing and the rate of persistent absenteeism is similarly reducing.

Our nurture support work is something that we are proud of at St Bartholomew’s.  We have a trained member of staff who is not only part of our DSL team, but also provides advice and guidance to other members of staff.  Nurture and wellbeing is a feature of our school and we devote time each week to discussing individual children’s needs at staff meetings and within our CPOMS system.

Our new Forest School supports the nurture and wellbeing of pupils with a particular focus on vulnerable children which includes our disadvantage PP children.  This has receive recognition locally with our Forest School work being recognised with a Whitworth town council Community and Schools Award nomination.

Our wider curriculum includes visits and visitors to the school and is designed to support the improvement in the cultural capital of our pupils – particularly our PP children.

Overal we are very please with the progress and development of our PP children and we know that whatever issues and disadvantages they enter our school with, the systems and strategies at St Bartholomew’s CE Primary provide them with a secure environment that produces accelerated learning in pupils who become confident and caring individuals and who are fully ready to move on to the next stage in their life and contribute well to society.

Externally provided programmes

Please include the names of any non-DfE programmes that you used your pupil premium (or recovery premium) to fund in the previous academic year.




Ruth Miskin Ltd

Fresh Start System

Oxford University Press

Kip McGrath tutoring

Academic support work


 Education Endowment Fund Dashboard for 2019: