St Bartholomew's CE Primary

Considerate, Co-operative, Confident

Geography Knowledge Organisers

Year Group Autumn Spring Summer
Rec This is Me!

             It's Dark Outside


Unit 3               Unit 4                Unit 5          Unit 6             

Where are we in the world?


Would you prefer to live in a

hot or cold place?

What is it like where I live?
Yr2 What is special about Whitworth?  What is the weather like in the UK?


What is it like to live in

another place?


What is the landscape around my

local area like?


Why do people choose not to live next to

areas of tectonic activity ?


Why is The Lake District a

World Heritage site?


Yr4 What happens to our rubbish?

Why is Spain a popular place to

go on holiday?


What happens to all the

rain in Whitworth?




How does Manchester

compare to Whitworth?


Where does our food come from?

Why are rainforests

important to us?


How important are biomes?



Are all mountains the same?

Where does our energy

come from?